Welcome to our website

Caversham Good Neighbours is a community initiative formed some years ago and has strong links with Churches Together in Caversham. We offer essential transport to the elderly and disabled.

Maybe you are finding it hard to get out and about. Perhaps you need help in getting to doctor’s appointments or with shopping. Caversham Good Neighbours could be the people for you. Click on How Caversham Good Neighbours can help you to find out more.

Or if you would like to make a difference in your community, but must be careful not to get overwhelmed, then working with Caversham Good Neighbours would be ideal. You can control the amount of time you spend quite precisely: an hour or two a week or month. You can even vary it depending on your other commitments at the time. And there is a choice of ways you can help: as the driver of your car or working in our office in Church House. Click on one of the ‘Being a Good Neighbour’ options.

Whether you would like help or to become a Good Neighbour, if you would like to speak to someone on the telephone, ring 0118 948 3466 Monday to Friday 9.30am–11.30am. Or contact us by email and we will get back to you.

This privacy policy relates to data about you and your interaction with our organisation.  “Personal Data” is information that can be used to identify you, directly or indirectly.  The only data we hold on our volunteers and clients is: full name, email address, phone number and location plus any information our volunteers and clients have specifically asked us to hold.
Collection of Data
We only collect the personal data from the information which is given to us personally by volunteers and clients when they register with Caversham Good Neighbours.  Volunteers and clients have the right to view their data at any time.
Data Retention
Data on volunteers and clients is only held for as long as it is active.  In the case of clients, the data is deleted if the client has not used the Caversham Good Neighbours service within the last 12 months.
Caversham Good Neighbours implements appropriate technical and organisational safeguards to protect against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction.  Caversham Good Neighbours does not share any personal data whatsoever with any third party.



0118 948 3466
Monday to Friday

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